Last Day of College

Today is my last day of college. WHAT.

I guess I shouldn’t feel as surprised as I do, I’ve been planning to be done a semester early for quite a while…but still, I cannot believe it.

I finished my BA in three and a half years. It’s a four-year degree that I worked my bum off for to complete early. A year at CUW and two and a half years at CSP… Mono.. Finals.. Countless hours studying or writing lesson plans.. Getting engaged and married.. Commuting.. Living on campus.. Meal plans.. Pet fish.. Coffee.. The list of college moments goes on and on.

I am so thankful on this last day as I reflect on my college career.

XO Elisebeth

Goodbye Kindergarten, Hello Third Grade

Want to feel extremely popular and famous?
Leave the kindergarteners you’ve closely worked with (for 10 weeks) and go up to the third grade. Work with a few of their older sisters for half a day. Enter lunch room with third graders. Be approached and hollered for like you’re a superstar by your previous kindergarteners.

Seriously. This week has been all kinds of emotions.

I’ve gone from working with a bunch of energetic and extremely loving 5 year olds to working with a bunch of super smart, more controlled, semi-dramatic, 8 year olds. For those of you not in education, it may not seem like much of a difference..What’s three years? But wow! My new kiddos are learning multiplication, whereas the kindergarteners I was just working with are just now learning about the numbers 6 to 10. It’s insane what kids learn in a matter of three years.

My first day in third grade I was like NO WAY. These kids are learning big kid things. They don’t have to be accompanied to the bathroom. They know how to stand in a straight line quietly. They know how to write sentences. These kids are too intelligent for me to teach.

Days two, three, and four have adjusted me well though. I’m excited to start teaching Math and Reading next week and to take on even more responsibilities within the classroom. My CT is super great and has helped in the transition. Also, tomorrow we have a field trip!

Here’s to a successful and insightful rest of my time in Third Grade!
XO Elisebeth

P.S. I graduate from college next month. WHAT?!

End of Week 5

Well, my fifth week of student teaching has officially come to an end. I cannot believe it. We’re quickly approaching the halfway mark, and before I know it my time in Kindergarten will be done and I’ll head up to 3rd grade.

I can hardly believe it is going by so quickly. I spend a lot of nights up late (10:30ish) to finish lesson plans for two or three days ahead of time and regretting the decision the next morning as I roll out of bed around 5:45. My body still is having a hard time adjusting to the sleep schedule, but it certainly can’t get worse or feel more exhausted, right?! I sure hope not. Also – how can a week go by so slowly yet so quickly? Someone please explain!

This past week included oversleeping one morning by 45 minutes (and still making it there on time!!!), introducing my students to every early childhood educator’s best friend – GoNoodle, and teaching basically all morning of every day.

This next week will include taking on Social Studies – we’ll be talking about family! I will also be finishing up my edTPA lessons and pre-commentary to be prepared for filming the week after.

Please continue to keep Trevor and me in your thoughts and prayers as we still don’t know what the future holds for my job or our location…I’m so excited and anxious to see what God has in store!
XO Elisebeth

The First Two Weeks

My first two weeks of student teaching are done – wow, how can that be?! I am absolutely stunned that this time has gone by so quickly already.

Week one was filled with getting to know my students’ names and personalities as well as seminars at Concordia. As awesomely informative as the seminars were, they were equally scary and frightening. Like, how am I going to get all of this done?!

Week two was filled with my first lessons. I decided to first start teaching math. This was partially because I’ve always found math to be easy to catch on to and Kindergarten math is certainly no challenge for myself. I also chose it because it’s more structured and my cooperating teacher prefers for me to stick closer to the curriculum. Fewer things to need to come up with means less work and less initial stress, right? Wrong. These lesson plan forms are going to be the death of me.

I have now finished week two and have spent my weekend pouring over these forms for not only math, but now Jesus Time too! Yes, my second class I’ll start teaching will be Jesus Time..tomorrow…

I am still so excited to become a teacher and to have my own class, but sometimes it’s hard to keep that all in perspective. These forms and the looming edTPA are all I can see right now it seems. Which brings me to now – sitting at a Starbucks working on my lesson plans for the rest of the week.

I better start….
XO Elisebeth

The Final Semester

One week from today I will begin my final semester. I cannot believe this is it – I’m almost done with college. And to put the cherry on top – I will have completed my 4 year degree in 3 1/2 years.

One week from today I will enter a Kindergarten classroom. I will get to know my students and create so many awesome memories there.  I will commute to Minneapolis every week until December from our lovely apartment in Saint Paul. I will then have to leave those awesome Kindergarteners to do my 3rd grade placement, and create even more awesome memories. In each of those classrooms, I will teach for two weeks full-time (in addition to the other weeks of part-time teaching) and get a real taste of my soon to be profession.

It’s hard to believe the end is here. College has been filled with so many beautiful moments, so many amazing individuals, and so much knowledge gained. While my final semester will not mean time spent at a desk learning from a professor, I know I will learn the most yet from being at the front of the classroom.

As my final semester is about to start, I can’t help but look back on these photos and relive the years that have already happened.

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As this semester begins, I ask that you keep Trevor and me in your prayers! As the semester begins, my name will be sent out (hopefully primarily on the West Coast) for positions at Lutheran schools. While I am beyond excited to see where God will take us and how He will work through me, there is a lot of unknown right now! Prayers are so greatly appreciated!

I can’t wait to share some awesome things from this upcoming semester with you all!
XO Elisebeth

P.S. Is anyone SUPER PSYCHED for fall weather? (I am, obviously).